I was born in Connecticut, went to school in Rhode Island am living in Massachusetts, and I gotta get out of here.
My head is constantly in the clouds, full of travel plans and dreams of going going going. I have major issues with being stagnant, and tend to over schedule myself because down-time kind of terrifies me. When I have too much time to think I go a little crazy. We're working on that...
This blog is above all a blog for me. My diary, my journal, my advice column to myself. I am stepping away from contrived blog shit to start writing whatever the hell I want to write about. Maybe that's a mascara suggestion! ...or maybe it's my deepest personal struggles. I'm like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. No, I don't want to make this private because maybe your heart completely inflates with understanding and appreciation, relating to my strange little story, maybe it makes you feel less alone and less like the only small fish in this gigantic ocean.
Regardless, don't be surprised if you find yourself reading something authentic, uncomfortable, brutally honest, controversial, uncommon, or NSFW on my blog. Because my life is boring yet crazy, average yet unusual. Just like yours.
And for now, I am a counselor at private therapeutic high school, an executive functioning tutor, a dog walker, a crazy cat lady, pretty terrible with money, someone who recently discovered that tequila is the only kind of alcohol that won't make her puke, and a creative human being with an addiction to beautiful words.
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