All The December Things!

Happy December! 

Happy last month of 2018, happy month filled with celebration & twinkle lights, happy birthday month to me!!!!

My Decembers are notoriously BUSY. I remember my post in this blog from 2 years ago and my December plans were a hot mess. I was trying to cram sooo much into one month! Well, this year is actually pretty similar! Let's first take a look back at my November goals to see how I did, and then journey down the path of the craziest month of the year!

November Goals: 
1. Write poetry. I haven't been writing a lot of poetry, but I sure have been writing a lot besides that!
2. Take grad school steps. I submitted my application to my first school last night!!!
3. Make fun plans. SO MANY! Four friends are coming to visit me today (we're doing SantaCon Boston!), and I'm having a pajama party at my friend's house for my birthday!
4. Meal prep. I kinda did this, but because of Thanksgiving leftovers I have been HEAVILY putting off grocery shopping (also to save $), soooo this one was kind of a fail this month.
5. Contribute to family dinners. Also a fail! Thanksgiving snuck up on me and I didn't end up having time to buy ingredients!
6. Move that body. I had one AMAZING week of workouts and then I fell off after Thanksgiving! But I know I can do it now, I just need to stick to the schedule I made myself.
7. Be grateful! Of course! So grateful for the holidays, family, and friends. And of course, Cosmo.

Now time for .....

This December is another crazy month, so I'm breaking it down by weeks again, just like I did all those years ago! 

Week 1: December 1st to 8th
  • SanataCon Boston with my CT friends is December 1st! Be a great hostess, clean the house, get appetizers & alcohol.
  • December 7th is my friend Leora's birthday! Go out to drinks with her!
  • December 8th is Courtney's housewarming party/Christmas party in CT! Remember to bring a nice bottle of wine and Yankee swap gift!

Week 2: December 9th to 15th
  • Start buying Christmas presents on Amazon before it's too late! 
  • This is the only weekend I don't have plans, so relax & restore for the rest of the month!

Week 3: December 16th to 22nd
  • My birthday week!!!!!
  • Out for drinks with friends on the 19th to celebrate my unfortunate aging! 
  • Bake cookies for the staff cookie swap on the 20th
  • Get an ugly Christmas sweater and Yankee swap gift for the staff holiday party on the 20th
  • Pajama party with my friends in CT on either the 19th or the 20th (because nothing says "I'm elderly" like asking your friends to throw you a pajama party so you don't have to go outside in the cold!)

Week 4: December 22nd to 31st
  • Enjoy Christmas and my Christmas vacation from work to the FULLEST! 
  • Read a ton of good books
  • Sleep in & relax
  • Write write write! 
  • Spend New Year's Eve with my friends (as opposed to last year when I didn't do anything for some reason and was extremely bitter about it) !!!

Overarching Goals for December:
- Don't spend money unless I absolutely need to!
- Get back into my weekly workout habit! 
- Work on consistency in creativity (art, drawing, writing, blogging)
- Stay on top of bills! 
- Be present & enjoy the magic of this season! 

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