This week is full of positivity and new beginnings because this Monday marks the starts of a #30DayCleanEatingChallenge!
I'm so into fresh starts, it's somewhat disturbing.
In honor of my pastel-colored, sunshiney and hopefully not too annoying attitude, here are 20 ways to make your Monday a little more enjoyable, healthier, happier, or just plain less sucky.
1. Drink a lemony cup of tea in the morning, in your favorite mug of course.
2. Drink water first thing when you wake up.
3. Save time by spending less of it on your makeup. The trifecta (for me personally) is glowing skin, clean eyebrows, and fluttery eyelashes. DONE.
4. Tell yourself you're going to have a good day. Believe it.
5. Don't check your phone as soon as you wake up.
6. INSTEAD, open up a book or listen to an interesting podcast.
7. Do some stretches, any kind of stretches. People don't stretch enough!
8. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Slowly. Even slower.
9. Wear your go-to everything. Favorite socks, underwear, bra, outfit, accessories. Who cares if you've worn it a million times before?
10. Make yourself laugh in any way. Thinking about a funny memory. Look at cat memes. Listen to a hilarious podcast like this one. Anything you can possibly think of to start your beautiful Monday off with laughter.
11. Make someone smile in any way. Compliment them. Get way too excited about their new haircut. Hold the door open for them and give them the most genuine smile they'll receive all day.
12. Don't forget to grab chapstick on the way out.
13. Plan out your entire week of workouts and meals (if you're feelin' super ambitious). Easiest way to fail is not being prepared! Even if it's just on a crumpled Post-It note that you stick to your desktop at work. Still great, still prepared.
14. Put a piece of fruit in your lunch bag.
15. Leave for work 10 minutes earlier than usual. Use the extra time to sit in your car and listen to your favorite song.
16. Repeat a mantra. I am radiant. I am positive. I am light as air and full of sunshine. or something more like I am a boss ass bitch. Nothing can stop me. Today, I am a badass capable of anything. Whatever works for you :)
17. Go to bed 30 minutes earlier.
18. Cap off your day with a few pages of a book and another hot cup of tea.
19. Stretch before bed. Your muscles will be so happy and relaxed.
20. If you have a bulletin board, write down one inspirational quote. If you don't, write a quote in your notebook, planner, iPhone notes, text it to yourself, whatever. Just surround yourself with inspiration in any form.
Hope everyone is having a killer Monday. Find your mantra and live a better day. We don't have to have a case of the Mondays... we CHOOSE to. Choose to wake up on the right side of the bed, because every day is one unique gift after the next ya'll. And we don't get a second chance.
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