She would not sink.

I've actually had this name on good 'ol Blogger for a few years now, and I truly have no idea how it came to me. 

I do know what it means to me though, and it remains true to this day.

I'm a water and sunshine kind of person. I have no idea how I'm surviving living in Connecticut. I need ocean air, salt in my hair, all that good stuff. Maybe that's why I thrived like crazy when I was going to college in Rhode Island by the water. 

I knew that I wanted my blog name to conjure up images of water and put someone reading it in an aqua state of mind.

AFLOAT ON A FULL SEA means just that. 

I am floating just above the surface of the craziness of life. A full sea = A full life. Life is so full, always. Of twists and turns, stresses and hardships, and beautiful, magnificent opportunities and people. 

And I don't believe in swimming against the current. Life happens and how you react is the ONLY thing you can control. So float along. Or as that great Modest Mouse song goes, "we'll all float on okay". 

Also, happy Thursday beautiful people! This week has actually gone by pretty fast. May is flyin' and it scares the crappers out of me. I have to start working on accomplishing these May goals. 

I emailed myself a 10k training program that I'm going to start bright and early next week. I also found this online trainer at that does a free 15 day challenge and then a 6 six challenge that I'm kind of into. I have to research it more though because I've never spent money on anything like that before and if I'm gonna drop my hard earned dollars on a fitness and nutrition program when I work at a freakin' gym for God's sakes, IT BETTER WORK. 

That's all for today :) Now you know where this random blog title came from. 

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