FF - Apps That Will Literally Change Your Life

So let's jump right into it - here's the new deal with this bloggy boo of mine.

I love this blog. I love interacting with people, sharing ideas, sharing products, and spilling my little life out onto a keyboard.

But my brain so easily gets fogged up with things that stress me out and right now, that is this mother effing summer class I have to take. It's 8 weeks long, and 2 weeks in, so I have 6 weeks left.

And 6 exams to take.... LOL.

Anyways, I can't wait for it to be over so I can get back into the swing of blogging, but for now, you get me when you get me.

This Fridays' favorites are literally all apps to try to make my life easier and better.

1. Fantastical 2

I've probably gone through 5 planners in this one year alone because I'm a psycho. I've been adverse to using the Calendar app that comes with iPhone since I got mine. Technology used to give me the shivers.

One week of using this app and I am a total convert. 

TBH, I look at my phone constantly. I have it with me constantly. 

The reason I would stop using all of my planners is because I'd never have it on me when I needed to put something important in it.

Cue me forgetting that important thing.

This is where Fantastical 2 comes in (although, couldn't they have worked on a better app name? lol).

Everything is color coded, which OCD Danielle lovessssssss. You do need to set all of that up on your Calendar app and your Reminders app, but it's all good. Once you do that, it's smooth sailing.

I have reminders for EVERYTHING & I also add little emojis to make it cute. It's organized, if I need to delete something I don't have to test my OCD by whiting it out, it's perfect. 

2. Clue

The best Period app you can find.

I found out about Clue via a Youtuber named Rachel Whitehurst (who is SO FUNNY & so real, check her out) and it's very important to me.

When I was on birth control my period was incredibly irregular, would be super light, & would last 7 days. 7 days of spotting. A living hell.

Since being off birth control, my period are SUPER regular, SUPER heavy, & my emotions are a damn disaster.

PMS like I have never experienced it before.

So this app helps me track my period, fertility window (even though this is totally irrelevant to my life), and when the green demon of PMS will start rearing it's head.

It has super simple ways of inputting your daily data, and the longer you use it, the more accurate its' predictions become. 

3. Grid Diary

I've been wanting to keep a gratitude journal for a long time now, but again - the problem of not having it on me when I need it. 

This is so aesthetically pleasing and so simple. There's a bank of question you can choose from, or you can make your own. These prompts help because sometimes I just don't know what to write about.

You can add photos for each entry, the weather, your mood, & as many questions as you want.

There's a grid mode and a reader mode, and if you get the Pro version you can download your diaries as PDFs and print them.

It reminds me at 9:00pm every night to take a moment and reflect on the day.

I find myself feeling SO ZEN & AT PEACE as I do this.

I remember small moments that made me smile, feel grateful, and help me plan on how to have a better tomorrow.


Thanks for coming back if you haven't stopped by in awhile. I promise to try and stay engaged in the blogging world for the next 6 weeks & continue to milk out decent content.

Until next time!

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