I honestly feel like just yesterday I was wrapping up the Christmas presents that I spent way too much money on on Groupon.
It's absolutely wild.
Well, summer is OFFICIALLY HERE.
& that means it's time to recap my May goals & make some new ones for June. Here we go.
My May goals were really simple:
1. Register & train for a 10K for the beginning of June.
I'm crossing this off because even though I waited too long to register for the 10K (it was sold out, wahhh) & didn't exactly follow the training plan, I feel like I came closer to being a REAL RUNNER this month.
& I suck(ed) at running.
Still kinda do.
The furthest I ran was 4.5 miles, so not quite a 10K, but I'm still running the 5K this weekend.
So for that, I am VERY proud of myself.
2. Sell at least $200 worth of clothes on Poshmark.
I'm crossing this off because I kind of tried (not really).
I did make money off of selling clothes, but I took the easy way out & sold to Plato's Closet.
& only made about $60 but this is more than I made off my clothes all year since they were just sitting in a trash bag in my basement.
So success! (kind of!)
3. Go see a dance performance.
Okay, totally NAILED this one.
We went to go see Finding Neverland during our NYC weekend.
It was choreographed by Mia Michaels (one of my all time favorite choreographers) & was just phenomenal.
The dancing was amazing & the theatrics were stunning.
It didn't make me sob uncontrollably like Wicked did, but it's a damn good show.
Highly recommend.
I didn't accomplish each thing to the fullest, but I shot for the moon & landed among the stars. & did much more than I expected of myself.
Now onto June goals:
1. Pay off Discover card completely.
2. Complete this 28 day bikini body challenge.
3. Take a dance class (just for fun).
Same motto as last month. Keep it short, keep it simple, keep it specific. & most importantly, keep it important to me.
Something financially responsible. Something healthy. Something I love.
We got this.
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