Starting today (mostly because we had plans to go to The Big E yesterday and ate the worst food in all of mankind) my best friend, Shawn, and I are undertaking The Better Body Competition 2016.
As far as we know, this is not a real challenge, although I did loosely borrow the idea from one of my favorite bloggers, The Skinny Confidential.
Here are the rules:
- we measure weight, take before/after pictures, and measure our body fat percentage using some kind of fat calibrator at our gym
- the competition lasts until Halloween
- whoever has the better body (as measured by body fat percentage, because we think that's most fair) gets $50 from the loser
Flawless challenge, am I right?
For real though, this competition is 100% tongue in cheek, and solely because Shawn and I have seriously fallen off the healthy lifestyle wagon and need a swift kick in the ass to get us back on the grind. Betting (and potentially losing) $50 is just that kick that we need.
My number 1 challenge is my nutrition. I have the biggest sweet tooth - I gobble all the cake, I crave all the donuts, I hoard all the candy bars. This needs to change. So for this competition, I'm challenging myself by going cold turkey off of all these sweets. I went to Aldi and a charming little farmer's market on Friday and stocked up on so much good stuff. My snacks are naturally flavored caramel rice cakes and banana chips (both very low on sugar!)
If you're interested, here is what I'm eating today, to kick things off:
(very important note - I am NO nutrition expert)
- 1 cup of plain Greek yogurt topped with chia seeds, raspberries,
blueberries, and a drizzle of raw organic honey
blueberries, and a drizzle of raw organic honey
- a banana
- 1 caramel rice cake
- 1 cup of raw chopped kale with a sprinkle
of parmesan, walnuts, and a dash of lemon juice
of parmesan, walnuts, and a dash of lemon juice
- 1/2 cup cottage cheese
- 1 caramel rice cake
- an apple
- diced chicken breast and sweet peppers,
sauteed with white balsamic vinegar and lemon
Throughout the day:
- 16 oz. of lemon water with 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
- 120 oz. water flavored with fresh limes
sauteed with white balsamic vinegar and lemon
Throughout the day:
- 16 oz. of lemon water with 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
- 120 oz. water flavored with fresh limes
This is my mentality (and also my psychosis), I go big or go home. I know no gray area. It's all cake and sprinkles or it's all omega 3's and kale salads.
Wish me luck!
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