September Recap + October Goals!

It seems like September went by with the blink of an eye, which also seems to be the theme of this entire year. I'm going to do a round-up of my September goals, then explain why I'm doing October a little bit differently.


01) Make & use toothpaste and make-up wipes from natural ingredients. -- nope.

02) Make "nice cream" out of bananas and fun flavors! -- nope.

03) Take some pretty photos for the blog/have new headshots taken for dance. -- nope.

04) Read one book for pleasure and one book for knowledge.
I don't know why I'm having issues reading any books for knowledge! But I'm almost finished with He Will Be My Ruin, and I started Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone. Just because it's my own little random tradition to re-read the entire series every couple of years and it really puts me in the fall/winter spirit.

05) Actually start grad school application process (scary!)
I've spoken with two DMT's so far and I think it's officially time to give up the OT path I've plowed for myself the past couple of years. I'm not even going to bring myself to think about how much money I wasted on Anatomy classes... life is moving on. The DMT's I've talked to are so interesting and the programs sound so inspiring. It really is a career where it's all about how you market yourself and what you make of it. I'm getting coffee with another DMT this weekend, so we'll see what advice she can give me for my application process. Which I definitely need to physically start, soon.

06) Meditate at least twice a week.
My meditation practice wasn't formal and it wasn't scheduled. But what I have been doing is making a conscious effort to take deep breaths more consistently throughout the day. I can tell the difference when I've been breathing shallowly for a long time. There are thousands of studies that show how deep breathing can drastically improve your overall health.

07) Save $400 and put it directly into a travel fund.
No. I didn't accomplish this goal at all. But what I did accomplish is downloading the Qapital app, featured in my monthly favorites, which saves all my money for me. This is the kind of savings account that I need. Something visual, and something that gives me the option of actively or passively saving money towards a variety of goals.

08) Try a Bikram Yoga class.
Yes, I did accomplish this, yes it was really really really fucking sweaty. I also forgot a water bottle, so I almost died of dehydration. Would I do it again? Probably, because I love sweating.

I'm not doing goals for October. I just don't feel like it.
Sometimes I think I make this arbitrary list of goals, just to give myself random things to get done. They're all things that I want to do, but it just doesn't feel natural. Maybe it's because they're written down so formally?

I'm working really, really hard towards finding myself as a 23 year old woman in this world. I feel like I've aged 30 years in 2016. I'm frustrated that I've become a person who takes myself and my life so seriously. I am so young! What is wrong with me??

So instead of a random list of goals for October, I have a list of 10 October things. Maybe mantras is a better word. But here they are.


01) Actively stop myself anytime I'm afraid to do something. Take a deep breath. Do it anyways.
02) Be happy, loud, and free.
03) Change up my appearance in some dramatic way. Just because I'm young and I can get away with it still.
04) Stop taking myself and my life so seriously.
05) Be okay with where I'm at, compared with everyone else. aka, stop comparing myself to everyone else.
06) Continue my wonderful, life-changing health journey. Bring even more naturalness into my life (beauty, skincare, etc.)
07) Enjoy every single second of Halloween-themed everything. Decorate a pumpkin, make ghosts out of tissue paper, make spooky dance playlists, DIY a dope costume. Feel like a kid again!
08) Laugh my way through a corn maze or a pumpkin patch.
09) Stay organized - but find spontaneity again in my life.
10) Say "yes" to all fun things. Yes yes yes.

What are you working towards, not just this month... but in your life?
Because life is too short to only put the serious stuff on the to-do list... and when you think about it, what's really more important than your happiness in your life?

Not much, man. 


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