Black Friday Frenzy.

Black Friday (and all urgent limited-time-only sales) really stress me the fuck out. As I'm sure all marketing executives wholeheartedly intend to do to us simple-minded, easily persuaded consumers.

Do I NEED a new TV? How about a designer hand bag that is 65% off? Who cares that it's still over $200, it'll never be on a sale like this again. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity!

See why this is so stressful...

I'm 100% alone at the front desk, with no one to hold my hand/tell me not to (or to) pull the trigger on my purchases. Which just resulted in me placing a pretty large order for Pura Vida bracelets (something I never realized I wanted/need until today when I was made aware that the whole website is 50% off with free shipping. And those full price bracelets ain't cheap). It benefits so many charities and I've always wanted to be a free spirited Pura Vida girl so... justification! Plus, I got one for my mom (save the beagles), Lucas (anxiety awareness), and friend Shawn (baby sea turtles foundation). I just can't resist a charitable sale...

And I also keep refreshing Nordstrom's website and giving it some serious side eye, adding items to my cart and taking them out.

Can my manager get here already so I can be forced to stop using the gym computers?

I hope everyone had a really wonderful Thanksgiving. 
Mine was spent trying really hard to stuff my face, but failing because my stomach rudely decided to shrink to the size of a teaspoon. I spent half of it with at my aunt's house with my family on my mom's side, then drove on over to L's house where his HUGE family crowded the house and overwhelmed everyone. 

My family is teeny tiny, so it is really nice to get that close but large family atmosphere that I've always been jealous of. 

In closing, here are some pretty beautiful things I'm thankful for today and yesterday: 
- cheese and crackers
- my little family
- my relationship with L, and how far we've come in a year
- cookie dough truffles
- a 4 month old baby in a turkey day outfit
- white wine
- getting valuable advice about moving to Boston

Will you be splurging on anything for Black Friday? I'll be over here trying to hide my wallet from myself. Good thing I haven't memorized my card number....

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