Where Have I Been? Part 2

Lately, blogging just hasn't been for me! Blogging the proper, controlled, contrived way. With photos and links all carefully curated, taking hours to format a post, to make it look just so, to check the grammar and the spacing. 


The pressure. The pressure to get page views and comments and engagement. Honestly? I don't care too much about that right now. I took a long social media semi-hiatus. I was still on social media but I was barely looking. Then I decided that my old social media handles all harbor too much angst, sadness, nostalgic memories that give me anxiety rather than the warm fuzzies. 

So I made new ones. New Twitter, new Instagram, new Tumblr. All the same derivation of my first name, middle name, and last initial. Clean, simple. Me. Also, a fresh start (one of my favorite things of all time!).

I don't feel like obsessively reading other woman's blogs just to produce a mediocre comment that MIGHT get me a couple of page views or comments back. It feels inauthentic, which is something that I am trying soooooo hard to steer away from. And which is why I'm writing a post like this. Unedited, semi-stream of conscious, Trebuchet font. I don't know who I'm writing to - if anyone at all - or just to myself. My future self. 

A couple of life updates: 
- I finished applying to grad school.
- I got into the Cambridge grad school program as of two days ago!
- I interviewed for the New Hampshire program on Monday.
- I really loved the NH interview & will find out if I got in there by Friday.
- If I get into the NH school I'm very confused about which program is right for me. 
- Really, I just am terrified to live in either Boston or NH, for very different reasons. 

And even more fun stuff! 
- I'm going to Atlanta, Savannah, and Orlando in FIVE FREAKIN' DAYS. 
- I haven't been on a plane in two years, so I may cry with happiness. 
- I haven't taken this much consecutive time off in a year and half I believe. I feel that I deserve it. 

Travel ignites my restless soul. I have been to Atlanta & Orlando but never to Savannah. I think it's really important to go somewhere once a year (at least!) that you've never been before. 

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