FF - Heat Wave Edition

We're in the middle of this wild New England heat wave where every day is over 90 degrees and every time you step foot outside it feels like you're walking into the Amazon Rain Forest. I'm not complaining - I love the heat - but the humidity is kind of crazy.

Also crazy that it's already July. For whatever reason it feels like this year is going by faster than all my others. I get anxiety about making my months/years as full and productive as possible. Even though I have accomplished a lot this year, for some reason it doesn't feel like enough...

Anyways here is a list of my favorite things as of late. Some big, some small, some bucket listers.

01) Cape Cod was definitely my number 1 favorite from this past week. Lucas and I went there to visit his family (who are incredibly wealthy) and we ended up staying from Friday to Sunday. We boated, kayaked, paddle boarded, ATE SO MUCH FOOD, and had an amazing time. I went to Martha's Vineyard for the first time and rode one of the oldest carousels - or maybe THE oldest carousel - in America. And we thoroughly enjoyed our red, white, and blue jello shots.

02) Once I returned from the Cape, I had to hit the ground running studying for my exams this week. I know it at least partially paid off because I got a 92 on my lecture exam! I'm so proud of this grade because the exam was very difficult - 100 multiple choice questions on literally anything within 200 pages of material. So I'm giving myself a pat on the back and a few days off from studying. Back at it again next week.

03) Do you ever worry that you've already discovered all the wonderful music there is to discover, and that there isn't anything else out there? Me too. I love the artist Banks more than any artist in the whole world. Nothing satisfies me quite like listening to her haunting, sensual, badass voice. Here are some of my favorite songs: one, two, and three. But just listen to the whole "Goddess" album because I was tempted to add three more just now. 

04) Bronzer and shimmer. So much bronzer and shimmer. I feel like a million bucks when I look like a bronze disco ball. For some reason I forgot about the magical powers of bronzer for like, all of June. But I'm back on that summer make-up bandwagon.

05) I'm still obsessed with my Grid Diary and Fantastical 2 apps that I wrote about in the previous Friday Favorite's. Grid Diary has become the most soothing nighttime routine for me. I truly believe it might help me accomplish one of my bucket list goals of writing every day for a whole year. 

06) The amount of cook-out food that I've been eating is unreal. Broccoli salad, pasta salad, potato salad, turkey burgers, hot dogs, grilled everything... bring it on. I'm having yet another cook-out this afternoon for my friends birthday. Rain or shine, day drinking and pina coladas will be happening. 

07) I think that I might finally be shifting my mindset into a healthier lifestyle mindset. I have so many thoughts about healthy living and healthy eating but I find it so difficult to implement in my own life. Cue gaining 20 lbs this year. But if I can really get focused on an end goal, and find easy-to-make meals that I can stick to, I can accomplish this weight loss. I know it. I just have to do it.

08) This blogger. I've been reading Bonnie's blog on and off for years now. She has no idea who I am. But she's the coolest 30 year old I (don't actually) know, has the cutest family, and is so real. She doesn't really do sponsored/affiliate posts, her photography isn't that good, and she doesn't blog regularly. But she doesn't try to do any of these things. Her writing is so good and so personal that I feel like she's one of my good friends and I keep coming back for more. I'd love to write as well as her one day. 


Happy Friday! 
Do you have any fun plans this weekend?
What are some of your favorites from this week? 
Any other great bloggers to share? 

Leave a comment, it means so much for me to actively engage with anyone awesome enough to visit my little 'ol blog! 

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