The Magic of Mondays

Monday gets quite a bad wrap by anyone who works a regular shift, don't you think?

There are so many negative phrases associated with this singular day of the week. A case of the Mondays. Mondays are garbage. I Googled "Monday" and the first automatic search that popped up was "Monday memes". Go look yourself! I bet you can guess what they all look like.

I challenge you to rethink your view of your Mondays. Like the start of each month, Mondays are a beautiful blank slate to me. Mondays are your restart button. You can either set Monday off on the wrong foot, or on such a positive note, you can't help but have a wonderful and productive week.

I don't want to sound preachy, even though I know I might. What I'm trying to get at is that your view of your Monday resides completely in your thought process and personal beliefs.

I read a quote once, that of course I can't find now, about the nature of our "go go go!" society and how we can never truly appreciate each moment that we're in. In essence, if we are always living for the next vacation, the next weekend, the next day off... we are never living the moment. And some pretty beautiful, badass, inspiring things can happen in each moment if your eyes are open to them. So I challenge myself, and I challenge you - embrace this Monday with opens arms. Here are some things you and I can try today to do just that!

01) Make a to-do list for the week. Include something different, like a yoga class, or even schedule in a meditation.

02) Sip your tea or coffee slowly. Inhale and exhale.

03) Smile at each person you see.

04) Set an intention for your week. This week I will work out five times. This week I will stick to a healthy eating plan. This week I will write 3 things I'm grateful for each night before I go to sleep.

05) Remind yourself that this is a clean slate - anything that disappointed you last week should be swept away for good. 

Despite the clean slate we get each week, it's important to remember that this should better you, not make you lazy. I shouldn't eat ice cream three days in a row and then say, "oh well, next Monday is a clean slate!" You know what I mean?


How was your weekend? 
Do you have any ideas for embracing each Monday? 

Leave a comment, it means so much for me to actively engage with anyone awesome enough to visit my little 'ol blog! 

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