Sea, Sun & Stress

Tomorrow is the last day of this Anatomy & Physiology 2 accelerated summer class that has been the bane of my existence for the past 8 weeks. I'm not going to lie, I have always been pretty good at school. I retain information well and luckily, learning has always come pretty easy to me.

This class has tested my willpower, mental strength, and personal relationships. NO EXAGGERATION. My recommendation to you is this: if you have friends, don't take an accelerated summer class. If you're in a relationship, probably don't take an accelerated summer class. I was somehow able to squeeze in the tiniest bit of play (like .02% of play) into the past 8 weeks, but it came with a price! Extreme stress, and having to make about 300 flashcards this afternoon. Not to mention, this class might all be for nothing if I change my mind about what I want to get my Master's in... oops. I'll write a post on this another time.

For now, here is where I'm at, what I've been doing, and an adorable picture of my friends' dog.

My boyfriend's sister had her first baby on Friday night! It was such a happy time. We brought some Thai food to the exhausted couple in the hospital, complete with three flavors of bubble tea.
Scenes from Rockport, MA.

Despite the three hour drives, it was great to catch up with friends from college. Rebecca was one of my roommates from school and her parents have this house by the beach. 

There were four dogs in the house, which was essentially heaven on Earth for me. This is Lyle. He was the most well-behaved and definitely the chill dog of the group. 

On Sunday we took a boat out on the water. I'm not a boat person, BY ANY MEANS. Boating scares me. But it was a beautiful day, I got unbelievably sunburned (which will hopefully tan soon), and a fun time overall. 


After I turn in my final exam at 10:45am tomorrow morning, I am freeeeeeeeeee like a bird. Free to quickly throw some clothes in a suitcase, head to the train station, and depart for a four day dance teacher conference in New York City! I am so excited to clear my brain of stratified epithelial cells, metabolic rates, and fluid-electrolyte balances! 

How is your week going? 
Is there anything you're excited for this weekend? 
Have you ever been near Rockport, MA?

Leave a comment, it means so much for me to actively engage with anyone awesome enough to visit my little 'ol blog! 

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