FF - Apps That Will Literally Change Your Life

So let's jump right into it - here's the new deal with this bloggy boo of mine.

I love this blog. I love interacting with people, sharing ideas, sharing products, and spilling my little life out onto a keyboard.

But my brain so easily gets fogged up with things that stress me out and right now, that is this mother effing summer class I have to take. It's 8 weeks long, and 2 weeks in, so I have 6 weeks left.

And 6 exams to take.... LOL.

Anyways, I can't wait for it to be over so I can get back into the swing of blogging, but for now, you get me when you get me.

This Fridays' favorites are literally all apps to try to make my life easier and better.

I guess I suck at blogging!

Quick update for anyone curious around these parts...

I fell of the blogging wagon & I fell off HARD.

Last week was my first week of summer class - I'm taking Anatomy & Physiology 2.

It appears as though I've forgotten how to school.

I had a mini panic attack almost every day last week wondering how I'm going to pass this class, since it's an accelerated course & we cover 14 weeks worth of material in 8 weeks.

So I might be a lil quiet around here for the next 7 weeks.

But I will still damn well try!


Friday Favorites - Everything's Changin'

I'm so unbelievably relieved that today is Friday!

This week was a tough week. The weather was beautiful but there was a heaviness in my heart this week.

That's because my manager (who is also my REALLY good friend) got transferred to a different location & we got new management.

I used to be pretty easily adaptable but I guess in my old age (lol) I've become someone who is resistant to change.

Hmm, I should probably research & write a blog post on how to become more flexible in the face of big changes....

Anyways, let's get positive, yah??

Friday Favorites, comin' right up.

May Recap & June Goals!

It is the first day of June. Howwwwwwww did this happen?