Friday Favorites & 1 Un-Favorite!

Congratulations, we made it to another Friday.

Did you have a good week this week? After last weeks' slump of post-Fourth grogginess, I really feel like this week was great. It flew by, but I was able to accomplish so much, in such a positive state of mind. It certainly didn't hurt that this Wednesday was PAY DAYYYYY.

+ I worked out every single day this week. I'm saying this prematurely because I have steadfast plans to workout after my shift at 1pm.
+ I studied 3 days of the week. Super impressive for me.
+ I found out my grades on last weeks' exams. A 92 and a 93.5. I'mma give myself a quick pat on the back y'all.
+ I blogged on Monday and I'm blogging today. That's twice as good as the blogging I did last month.
+ I ate smaller portions and chose healthier options every day this week. I said NO to ICECREAM. (This has never happened before)

Read on for my favorites (and one small un-favorite...) from this past week!

01) The tried, true, and loyal dinner of seasoned chicken, brown rice, and green beans for dinner. I had this meal approximately four times this week. Plus, I put a little homemade pesto on the rice. Rice has never tasted so good.

02) BIG BROTHER. Huge favorite. This show completely unravels me. I get unbelievably passionate about reality TV. Like, embarrassingly so. The Bachelorette isn't really doing it for me this season. Don't get me wrong - I'm still watching. But I started watching Big Brother yesterday and I've already screamed at my TV probably 10-15 times. I only watched the first episode guys, so if you're caught up, please don't spoil anything for me yet!!!

03) Subtle pink/purple hair. Kind of like this. I have a hair appointment this afternoon and honestly NO IDEA what I'm going to ask her for. Fingers crossed all my hair doesn't fall out.

04) This blogger. If you're looking for inspiring content for dayz, look no further! This girl is the definition of living your best life. She has amazing travel tips, life advice, and super interesting life stories. I could spend a few hours just looking through all her past posts!

05) This remix. Rediscovered it when I was listening to a "get crunk on the weekend" playlist I made in college. For some reason, I get my absolute best workouts done when I'm listening to the dirtiest music possible. I'm talkin' sexy time music. It really gets my adrenaline pumping I guess, hah!

and the un-favorite... 
This morning I was minding my business getting ready in the bathroom when an uninvited visitor made an appearance by running right up to my foot, then promptly running away and disappearing into my room.


And I shit you not, my adrenaline has never peaked like that so quickly. At 3:58 in the morning, mind you. So now we have to call an exterminator, which really makes me cringe because I love animals and cannot even kill spiders. Or, we can just get a kitty. Which I'm 100% in favor for at this moment.


How was your week? 
What productive/wonderful things did you get done? 
Do you have any un-favorites this week?

Leave a comment, it means so much for me to actively engage with anyone awesome enough to visit my little 'ol blog! 

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