June Recap & July Goals!

Hello, hello little space on the internet.

I have really missed writing here. Writing is one of my all time favorite creative outlets. There is a small part of me that deeply regrets not listening to my dad and my English teacher and pursuing a Journaling degree in college. I was hardheaded - I NEEDED to major in DANCE.

I won't deny that those were the best four years of my life. I was in shape and completely in tune with my mind, body, and soul. Now, this blog is where I can turn to unleash that creativity. So despite how busy and frazzled I am with this summer class, I do miss blogging, so so much.

Anyways! I think it's time to recap my month of June and plan out my month of July. Here goes nothing.

My June goals were a little out of reach for me. I just did not anticipate how difficult this Anatomy & Physiology 2 class would be. It's actually kind of insane. But I'm getting through it! That's the most important part.

One of my classmates who is applying to PA school (overachiever) reminded me why we're crazy enough to put ourselves through this torture. In her words, she explained this:
This is a short period of suffering for a lifetime of stability and happiness. 
And how true is that? Putting in the effort is an unbelievable amount of work. I think that some people (myself 100% included) forget that. Anyone who has success has usually worked really really really hard behind the scenes to get there.

That being said, my June goals just simply did not get done.

I did the 28 day challenge and LOVED it! Until my class started on June 9th and I barely have time to eat, let alone follow a very specific and intensive training plan.

I did not pay off my Discover card because it's summertime and food truck festivals, beach, movies, lunches on restaurant patios, etc etc etc all happened. Oops. I did make a couple of large payments towards my other credit card, which has a higher interest rate, so that's good!

I did not take a dance class, for the same reason I didn't complete the 28 day challenge. Sad face.

Moving on... 

July is another hard month for this class of mine, but I've got to try to get some stuff done that I'm proud of! May was so successful, hopefully I can pull a repeat of that...

1. Pass my class with at least a B+.
2. Apply for at least 8 jobs per week. 
3. Go stand up paddle boarding! 
4. Have 2 days per week that I don't get any processed foods. 

I know that I'll at least get #3 done since I'll be doing it in Cape Cod this weekend!!!

Wish me luck on these new, fresh goals and happy 1st of July! The new month is a chance to really get down to business and figure out what you want to accomplish. Take a look at your long term goals and figure out some baby-step goals for this month. And make sure to throw some fun things in there too!


What are your July goals? 
Did you accomplish anything super spectacular in July?
Leave a comment, it means so much for me to actively engage with anyone awesome enough to visit my little 'ol blog! 

Follow afloat on a full sea on Bloglovin!

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