Saturday morning yoga class, setting the intention of letting go. 

I love when my boyfriend brings me random treats :) Apparently this has minerals in it that are really good for you and provides extra hydration! Which I'm obviously all about. The color definitely weirded me out but it tastes just like regular water!

We also went to my boyfriend's dog's birthday party... yes you heard that correctly. Birthday present and cake included. 

Date night with my love. A restaurant called Tisane's does half off bottle of wine on Sunday nights so we went there for wine, chocolate fondue, and I also got a chai latte that came in a cup almost as big as my head.

We built this bookcase with our OWN TWO HANDS.
And let me tell you, it was stressful.
But just look at those results. 
Look at those fake plastic plants from Target.
In love.

More fake plastic plants.

And last but not least, this beautiful tapestry that we got in Newport, RI for only 20 bucks! 

I had a wonderful weekend of recharging, redecorating, and good energy.

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