Goodbye September, Hello October.

Goodbye September. 

Goodbye to getting lost coming to and from work every day. I have almost 100% confidence in my ability to finally get to work and home again without using my Maps app. It only took a month!

Goodbye strange Indian summer. I won't complain about your unexpected 90 degree afternoons because I'll always be a summer lover at heart.

Goodbye uncomfortable adjustment period. You will not be missed, but I know you were important.

Goodbye to a month of meeting so many new people. Some people who may turn out to be some of my closest friends. Some people who are wonderful connections to have in the dance world. Some people who might let me babysit their kids! #Hustle.

Goodbye to being "the new girl" at work. And it already feels like I've been there for six years. In a good way. Hearing your superiors tell you how much you're impressing them with your ability to make it seem like you've always been there... wow, that'll never get old.

Hello October.

Hello all of the Fall activities. Pumpkin floats on city lakes, pumpkin picking, setting out the Halloween decorations, haunted houses in abandoned apartments, so much more.

Hello to fresh air with that crisp nostalgic scent. The sound and the smell of crinkled leaves rustling on the pavement, grey mornings, coffee in an old mug. The taste of nostalgia that I can't quite describe.

Hello to the the Fall TV and Halloween movies. How to Get Away with Murder, Stranger Things 2, Hocus Pocus, Harry Potter marathons, all the things I love the most.

Hello to productivity and getting sh*t done. After a strange month of adjusting, it feels like I'm really ready to cross things off my to-do lists that have been sitting there for way too long. My newfound addiction to my bullet journal is helping more than I realized it would.

Hello to a month of creativity. In the month of October I'm going to try to hold myself accountable to creating something every day. A poem, a blog post, a dance phrase, a doodle - anything. So many things. To bridge the huge gap between what I consume (infinite) to what I produce (limited). To spark my inspiration. To make my world a better place to live in. I'll keep this blog updated with that journey. #CreateEveryday.

Here's to a beautiful new month of possibility, autumnal tones, and glowing Jack O Lanterns. 

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