how to hold onto that summer feeling
(+ tips to avoid S.A.D.)

So, Happy Labor Day!

Unfortunately, with the marking of Labor Day comes the inevitable spiral into fall and colder months. I'm someone who has actually struggled consistently with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). I just realized this (along with the help of my trusty therapist) this year, so trying to prevent + treat these symptoms is a new challenge for me.

With that comes my undeniable urge to hold onto that summer feeling.

I don't know if it's just me, but there seems to be such a different mentality in the summer months. The days are longer. People are less rushed. Time spent outside with friends is more precious than time spent inside binging Netflix. Life seems a little bit lighter.

How can we hold onto that feeling? I definitely think there are a few ways to bring a summery outlook into the colder months ahead. Here are some ideas that I'll be trying to put into play.

1. Say yes to activities. 
It's so easy to say no when the weather outside is frightful. In the summer, I'm down for anything. Try to maintain the same level of enthusiasm for leaving the house to hang out with friends, even when it's more appealing to lay under four fleece blankets at home.

2. Keep your routine light + easy.
Trends tell us that we need to go dark and moody in the fall and winter. No, you don't have to! If summery vibes are what make you happy, keep your nails white and your makeup light. I know I probably will be.

3. Soak up some sun.
Wake up a little earlier to watch the sun come up or get outside for at least 20 minutes before the sun sets. Take a vitamin D supplement. Surround your living space in bright light, natural light if you can. Try to find a natural full spectrum sunlight lamp that mimics the actual sun like this one. I haven't tried one of these lamps yet, but I definitely have plans to.

4. Stay healthy + active.
Winter used to be my hibernation time, which I think contributes to my SAD (not enough vitamin D and not enough endorphins). I'll be making a huge effort to maintain a steady workout schedule. Also, my body is NOT usually keen on fresh fruits and veggies in the colder months, but I gotta force it down. Less homemade mac&cheese + more spinach salads = more energy.

5. Don't isolate.
Maybe this goes hand in hand with saying yes to activities, but try not to spend too much time indoors, alone, in your own house. Unless you're an introvert, in which case you may love hibernating in the wintertime. I am a total extrovert in the sense that I get energy and recharge from being around people. Winter is a nightmare for me, especially when heavy snow forces people indoors for stretches at time. Even going to the gym or a group fitness class and being around people is sufficient exposure to humanity.

That's what I've got so far. Good luck friends! This isn't to say that I don't ADORE certain aspects of fall + winter (both of which will likely become separate blog posts). I just have a strong love for summer and a deep rooted fear of the depressed feelings that I associate with colder, darker months.

Again, Happy Labor Day!
Do you, or anyone you know, struggle with SAD?
What are your Labor Day plans?! 

I'm working until 1pm, then relaxing hard core, catching up on Big Brother, and likely chowing down on some potato salad and a veggie burger with some friends/family :)

Leave a comment, it means so much for me to actively engage with anyone awesome enough to start a conversation on this blog!

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