august recap & september goals!

This year is really the first year that I haven't been pained by that horrible sensation of not going back to school. In fact, I've barely even noticed. I taught my last session of summer dance classes last night and it was my kids' first day back to school. They looked exhausted! 

It makes me scratch my head and wonder how I even did that. Seven hours of school (in honors classes, mind you), five days a week, all while taking up to eight dance classes a week AND show choir rehearsals?? I was either a super hero or a kid with lots and lots of energy. It makes me admire my dance students a lot more - they have so much going on, yet they still want to be present in my class. I love those kids. 

Onto a new month, with some new goals! But first let's see how I did on last months goals.

1. Figure out what I want to go to grad school for and make a definitive list of schools I will be applying for.
I got in contact with an old college professor who thinks it's "an excellent idea" to apply to both OT and DMT programs and see where the cards fall once I'm accepted anywhere. So that's the plan, man! 

2. Contact college professors for recommendation letters. Done, just have to e-mail one more.

3. Plan out each dance class before walking into the studio
Major win for this one. I loved feeling so prepared and having notes to look down at. 

4. Read at least 2 books for pleasure and at least 1 book to learn something new.
I didn't finish any books but I am ALMOST done with two. Unfortunately I didn't read to learn anything... oh well! Through this, I developed a great habit of putting my phone down and reading at the very least a few pages of my books each night before bed time :) 

5. Have a picnic at a winery/go wine tasting.
Ugh, I had plans to, but they fell through because of flaky friends. Fail.

6. Listen to a podcast in the car every time my drive is over 20 minutes long.
Probably the most successful goal of this month and absolutely my new favorite habit. I have a LONG and growing list of podcasts that have been tickling my fancy this month. I can't wait to do a big 'ol blog post about it! 

7. Go to a butterfly sanctuary.
Literally just didn't have time! 

8. Take my first barre class. Done

I did pretty well! Overall, I'm satisfied with the things and habits that I've been able to cultivate last month. Listening to podcasts during my drives has honest to goodness changed my life though. I no longer dread a long commute, I'm secretly grateful for a little traffic, and I feel like I'm expanding my mind + my thoughts, tenfold! Now here's the new stuff... 

September Goals

1. Make & use toothpaste and make-up wipes from natural ingredients.
2. Make "nice cream" out of bananas and fun flavors!
3. Take some pretty photos for the blog/have new headshots taken for dance.
4. Read one book for pleasure and one book for knowledge. 
5. Actually start grad school application process (scary!)
6. Meditate at least twice a week.
7. Save $400 and put it directly into a travel fund.
8. Try a Bikram Yoga class. 

Apparently I'm all about trying new things this month!
Here's to a new month, a fresh start, + trying something a little different.
What are some new things you want to try in September?
What's your favorite thing you did in August? 

Leave a comment, it means so much for me to actively engage with anyone awesome enough to start a conversation on this blog!

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