a very different summer

This summer was a fast summer. Too fast. I don't know why, but last summer seemed to stretch out endlessly and forever into hazy days and humid, intoxicated nights.

I was a completely different human being last summer. I was only working part-time, but I was working about four different part-time jobs. I was riding solo, playing the field. I was drunk on tequila and singleness and freedom. I was going to summer concerts and dancing on tables. I was taking shots in the backseat and crawling into work on Saturday mornings a hungover disaster...


and I have aged about 60 years. Ha! I'm beyond domesticated. I'm working full-time and have a bedtime that I stick to. I have car payments and a steady relationship. I have a work out schedule I (attempt to) maintain and a glass of wine can get me tipsy.

I falter between being unsure of whether I desperately miss that wild Danielle of summer 2015, or whether this new, comfortable version of myself, a version that reads before bedtime, is just what I (and my liver) have needed.

So within the past year, I've entered a new season of my life. It's so much clearer to see when comparing this summer to last summer. What a crazy contrast! Last summer was all saturated primary colors. This summer is pastels and gilded golds.

And what I've learned this summer is this...

It's important to appreciate the little moments, no matter how small.

Family matters and should accept me no matter what.

It's possible to outgrow my friends and it's toxic to hold onto anything that's holding me back.

It's empowering, terrifying, and necessary to put my big girl pants on and call the bank, make the doctor's appointment, or finish the paperwork. Being an adult means actually doing the most important tasks on the to-do list.

Stay close to the people that make me laugh.

Accept no less than what I deserve and fight to make changes to get what I need.

Love, like always, wins.

How does your summer compare to last summer?
Leave a comment, it means so much for me to actively engage with anyone awesome enough to start a conversation on this blog!

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