friday favs: back on the grind

This was my first actual full-blow Monday through Friday work week since the first week of June. Wow, this sucks! Hah, I think I'm just totally burnt out from my insane work and side hustle schedule. I work Monday to Friday from 5am to 1pm, I teach five dance classes between Monday and Wedneday, and a Spin class on Monday and Thursday.

I don't really know how I do it either.

But alas, over-achievers gotta over achieve. I have this deeply ingrained issue with being stagnant. Scheduling myself all over the place definitely prevents that from happening. But then when I actually take the time to physically write down my schedule I'm like - what am I doing to myself.

Happy Friday + here are some cool things to click on, listen to, and know about.

01) This song is just one of my favorites from a new artist that I discovered this week named Kaleida. She sounds to me like a cross between Florence + The Machine and The xx. Her music is very cool.

02) Newborn babies... which earlier this week I said I found terrifying. Maybe two and half week old babies are less terrifying? We've been spending a lot of time with Lucy and her baby since her husband works nights and she needs some extra help.  Holding a tiny little baby and hearing it breathe and squeak is the coolest, most comforting thing.

03) Podcasts are like crack for your ears. I do so much random driving that it doesn't make sense for me to NOT listen to podcasts, but I just got into it this month! The Friend Zone is a new one that I've been listening to, free on iTunes. It's three friends, each from Atlanta, Detroit and Harlem. They discuss how to be well mentally and physically. One of them says she isn't a spiritual guru, but she sure sounds like it! They tackle hard topics and spiritual well-being while still somehow managing to be hilarious.

04) My new blog design!!! I spent forever working on this shit earlier this week. I think it reflects my style perfectly at the moment - a little minimal, a little fun, a little cozy. I say at the moment because my style shifts every couple of months, so who knows how long this is going to last.

05) I recently discovered that there's an entire personality theory all centered around what side you part your hair on. Read the article and let me know whether you think it's the real deal or a load of shit.

06) One of my friends has an intense interest in studying psychopaths and sociopaths. We were both psych majors so we love this shit. She told me that a personality type called "empaths" are most likely to be the target of sociopaths. If these results are correct, I'm EXTREMELY vulnerable. Find out if you're an empath here.

07) Like, I know I've been saying Big Brother for the past 3 weeks in a row, but if you aren't watching this fascinating and horrifying social experiment that has been going on for 18 seasons, what are you doing??? It's finally starting to get extremely juicy and the house guests are turning on each other left and right. I have absolutely no idea who is going to win this season, which is a first. It could be anyone. 

^ this is how we watch Big Brother ^


How was your week? 
Do you have any weird subjects that you love researching? 
Leave a comment, it means so much for me to actively engage with anyone awesome enough to visit my little 'ol blog! 

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