friday favs: decisions, decisions

My manager mentioned yesterday that this week has flown by for her. I feel the COMPLETE opposite. I feel like this week has dredged through the mud and back, that I have lived a thousand lives in seven days, that I have been running a non-stop engine for 2 straight weeks.

Here are some favorite little trinkets that I have gathered in this week's long journey.

01) This informative article claims that getting six hours of sleep is as bad as getting no sleep at all. This is especially disturbing since I get about 5 and a half hours of sleep each night. Uh oh.

02) I saved $6 on make-up at CVS this week using coupons. I have honestly never used coupons before. I felt like a powerful sorceress. One of my good friends is a certified crazy coupon lady, and she's hopefully going to give us all a couponing workshop in the near future (over wine, of course).

03) This little gem of a song is so soft and lovely.

04) I finally decided to try what one of my favorite bloggers (The Skinny Confidential) claims is the best drugstore mascara ever. I am really into it right now. The primer contributes to a curl that actually holds in place all day long. And I got it on sale $3.12!!!

05) Podcasts have pretty much consumed my life, I even listened to one while I was tanning outside yesterday. I will definitely have to do a blog post on my favorite podcasts soon! But two other things I've been loving are Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty. I'm trying as hard as I can to finish both of these by the end of the month.

06) Breakfasts like this.

07) Putting my big girl pants on/being a responsible adult human and scheduling two doctors appointments, setting up one payment plan for an ambulance bill, and setting up a phone interview for a potential job offer. Which brings me to...

Decisions, decisions...

I am pretty fed up with working at the gym. The lack of responsibilities, being treated like a child, mediocre pay, and false promises from corporate all add up after a year and 9 months of working here. At the same time, the flexibility with hours is very convenient. 

I set up a phone interview for a position of "Patient Service Specialist" at a physical therapy clinic. This would be a really good position for me, if I was offered it - I'd get office experience in a medical setting, I'm really interested in physical therapy, and it's a full time position. I'm not sure of the pay, so that would obviously make a huge difference. 

The only problem is the hours. The office is open from 9am - 7pm. In my current position, I get out of work at 1pm. Coming this September, I'm scheduled to be teaching several dance classes throughout the week starting at 6pm. 

So what should I do if I'm offered this position? Should I give up my passion and side hustle of dance teaching to pursue a real full-time job with benefits and a 401k? Would this destroy my soul?

If you have any thoughts, please just let me know what you think/what you might do. 

Leave a comment, it means so much for me to actively engage with anyone awesome enough to start a conversation on this blog!

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Happy Friday! 

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