The (Belated) Friday Five

Don't you love when you schedule a post, but then forget to finish and post it? So here we are, with a much belated Friday Five.

I just had some pretty cool stuff to talk about, so I figured I'd throw this up anyways! Better late then never.

The Christmas House
This is a Christmas attraction located in Torrigton, CT that we drove about 50 minutes to go and see. Anything to get into the Christmas spirit! The man who owns this house doesn't charge a dime to enter his twisted, magical, slightly claustrophobic winter wonderland. It's truly indescribable, but the outside of the house is coated from top to bottom in lights and decorations, but the inside is where the real magic is. His collection of moving dolls, memorabilia, working toy trains, and figurines is utterly incredible. The lighting is so dim that you can't really get photos that will do any justice to the inside of this house. His electric bill is nearly $1,800 during the time he has the lights up, so he has donation boxes all around and I'd definitely recommend donating.

Pura Vida bracelets
These bracelets are something that I didn't realize I wanted until I saw them on some random blog for 50% off for Black Friday/Cyber Monday. I think they make great little gifts (and presents to yourself) because they benefit such a good cause. Plus, as you know, I loveeee Costa Rica. They really capture that effortless, easy-going, surfer gal vibe that I'm constantly striving for.

Being a redhead again
Guys, I think the blondie days are coming to a close. I've recently been obsessing over what I used to look like as a redhead and it really did wonders for my skin tone. We'll see if I can squeeze a hair appointment into my schedule before the year is over...

Dancing With The Stars
I believe this TV show is on Hulu, and L and I have been watching it pretty non-stop. It's just so joyous and over the top! We rarely agree on shows to watch, and this is one that we actually both enjoy watching together. I don't even know if we're on the current season (Laurie Hernandez?) but the props, costumes, and gorgeous dancing bodies make us both smile like little idiots.

This website used to be my LIFE in high school and college. Then it kind of dropped off of my radar. Not anymore. I'm using my Tumblr as a very personal dumping zone for my most personal thoughts, a tracker of my workouts and fitness inspiration, but most importantly a mood board to manifest my visions for myself. Now if only I can find more users over the age of 18... #feelingold.

What are some random things you've been loving lately? 

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