My Past DIY Halloween Costumes

Halloween is just two short weeks ago and I am DYING to know what everyone is being. I used to have my costumes (because what average twenty something has just one night of costume wearing planned?) planned out months in advance.

I'm talking in August you guys...

But this year, as with everything this year, time just flew on by and suddenly it's October 12th and I have nothing solidly planned. I have some semi-interesting ideas and I'll share those at the end of this post.

This post is for YOU if you have no idea what to wear for Halloween, but you're pressed for time and money and need something DIY that does not require a sewing machine or fancy fabric from Joann's. All of these are tried and tested by yours truly :)

three blind mice

unreal how easy this is, besides the fact that you need two friends to play along. wear your cutest all black (or grey!) outfit, black sunglasses (we got them from the dollar store), construction paper mouse ears hot glued to a headband, and walking sticks made out of either extendable dusters or mop handles, i can't quite remember. so cute, so college. 

7 deadly sins

this was another group costume I did with my hall my sophomore year. because we were young college girls, we essentially just wore corsets and different kinds of props. i held a mirror for vanity, sloth wore fuzzy slippers, etc. but you could get way more creative with this idea! 

sesame street squad

top and bottom to match the colors of your character, construction paper, and a hot glue gun. sooooo easy. some of us made little headbands with tulle, or oscar the grouch made a trash can lid hat out of aluminum foil. 

a native american princess | unicorn

the best part about being a unicorn was literally rubbing glitter alllllll over my body. your horn is a party hat spray painted gold. EASY. 

a dalmation | Katniss Everdeen | the tooth fairy

tooth fairy costume made 100% out of gold spray paint, glitter, and white craft foam from either Walmart or the dollar store. wand is a spray painted pencil. a pro tip for diy costumes: a glue gun is seriously your best friend. 

beetlejuice | kim possible

green hair spray, crazy dark eye makeup and pale face makeup, striped top and pants from forever21 // black long sleeve crop top, cargo pants, black gloves, combat boots, a utility belt from Walmart. 

a lacrosse player - for the truly lazy 

(that's me on the right, directly after a 5 hour dance rehearsal, unshowered, having no time to get ready... yikes) lacrosse jersey, high white socks, sneakers, athletic pants, black eyeliner for black lines on face. 


if you just can't wait for the holiday spirit, make skirts out of dollar store tree skirts, belt them with festive ribbon, and decide who's santa and who's rudolph! 

So I'm at a total loss what to be this year. 

Last year Lucas and I didn't do a couples costume because we had just started dating. And this year, I wanted to and I had some great ideas! Like: 

- a witch doctor & a voo doo doll

But Lucas wants to be a freakin' Lego.... and I am not being a Lego.

Let me know if you have any ideas for us because we are at a total loss here. Happy Wednesday everyone! Leave a comment, it means so much for to engage with anyone sweet enough to read my little bloggy. :)

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