The Friday Five

Do you know that saying, "the days drag but the years fly by?"

Lots of college kids like to say this when they wake up one day and suddenly it's graduation time. I disagree with this statement, because at least in my opinion, THE DAYS FLY BY AND THE YEAR FREAKIN' FLEWWWWW BY. 

Even this week went by in the blink of an eye. Maybe it's because I'm so busy? I cram so much into each day, but sometimes it feels like I don't even get anything done. Like someone who's walking up a down escalator.

This week I decided to bring back the friday five series because I may not always have a ton of cool favorites from each week, but I'll always have random shit to talk about. And I spent several hours yesterday going back through my blog archives, recapping all the cool things I used to do and write about and I thought, you know what, I need to bring that back asap.

thinking about: how a plane crashed into a main road no more than five minutes away from my house this week. Apparently it was an intentional act, you can read about it here. It's crazy that something like this can touch my small and non-descript town. It should make me feel unsafe, but I'm so desensitized to violence and terrorism, that it just kind of weirds me out. How can something like THAT happen HERE? But it can happen anywhere. 

planning: a birthday getaway to a log cabin in Vermont. A random road trip to Canada. A day trip to Rhode Island, I haven't been there in a hot minute and I'm starting to miss that place. A Halloween/Autumn themed cookout this Saturday, complete with "Beware of Zombies!" caution tape in the bushes. A visit to an orchard this weekend for pumpkin picking and apple crisp and cider donuts, oh my! 

excited for: my hair transformation this afternoon! I am almost 100% positive that I'm gonna go for a pinky rosy purpley ombre type thing. It's just time for a big change, so much in my life has felt stagnant for a long, long time. I may not be able to change all of my circumstances, but this is one thing that I do have complete control over. Stay tuned for the before and after pictures, weeee! 

eating: kale, kale, and more kale. I have had a kale salad every day, sometimes twice a day. Farmer's markets are my favorite place to buy the green stuff and I loveeeee me a weekend farmer's market. My favorite way to eat kale is tossed with oil and lemon, with either goat cheese or parmesan, sprinkled with walnuts. YUM. and #healthy. 

feeling like: I just need to figure out how to bring the magic back into my life! I feel like every day is the same, monotonous, droning on and onnn. Then I do get to do some fun stuff on the weekend, but I'm not really living in the moment because I don't appreciate it and then it's over. Just like that. Reading posts from March and April in my blog were eye opening. My days seemed so full and so full of wonder and wandering. I did so much, especially on the weekends! Rest and relaxation is fine, but feeling restless is something I've dealt with on and off for... forever. I need to get my magic back and find something to settle my restless feelings.

p.s. I've been blogging a lot lately and it's been really fun. I love blogging, I love finding my voice. My writing style has changed so much over the past year. Anyways, if you missed anything here are some DIY Halloween costume ideas tried and tested by yours truly, a totally necessary Target haul, my ultimate hair dreams, and my goals (but not really goals) for this month.

Happy Friday! 
What's going on in your world this week? 
Leave me a comment, it means so much to engage with anyone sweet enough to read this lil ol blog. And you can always follow me on Bloglovin!

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