The Friday Five

Hey what's up hello? HAPPY FRIDAY.
This week started off strong, man. Those warm days, that sunshine. I had so much energy... by the middle of Wednesday though, I was dragging. Seriously dragging. I think it's because I didn't have a single sip of coffee on Wednesday - what was I thinking???

Here are five things from this past week that made me happy, made me ponder, made me feel a lil somethin' somethin'.

The weather. Am I a boring old lady for talking about the weather? Maybe. I don't care. Records were broken on Tuesday and Wednesday. It's kind of a big deal. When I got in my car to head home from work both of those days, the thermostat inside my car read 88°F and it was fucking glorious. I spent as much time as physically possible outside - walking the dog, power walking around the neighborhood, on an outdoor patio, walking the track on the riverfront, sitting outside in my backyard as spiders fell from the trees and landed all over me... good times. But seriously, it was good times.

My coffee order. For future reference, a medium hot coffee with almond milk and a flavor shot of toasted almond has been my shit. Thanks to my coworker Neil for converting me to this from my SUGAR LADEN, CALORIE BOMB regular order (medium iced mocha latte light and sweet... again, what was I thinking???) I like coffee so much more now, because it doesn't make me feel sick to my stomach afterwards.

side note/funny story: 
I always thought that "light and sweet" for a coffee order meant like, light in calories yet still somehow sweet... like I thought this was the healthiest option. Why did no one correct me on this until a couple of months ago. Why! 

My wanderlust. I have been stagnant for way too long. I haven't even gone on a day trip since... I can't even remember! I go crazy when I don't go anywhere for too long, even if it's just to Rhode Island or New Haven or Boston. So I need to talk to bae and see where we can realistically day trip, probably the weekend after Halloween since we have plans all the way up until then. We are busy bees.

these feet were made for travelin'... 

The new hair. People are so funny, because they react one of three ways to my cotton candy colored birds nest

1. No reaction. They don't notice at all, or at least don't say anything. 
2. I love your hair! 
3. Oh my god, you dyed your hair! 

The last one is the funniest because I don't know what to say besides, "yeah I did! It's pink!" Like hello, they have eyes, obviously they can see that it's pink. But I was worried that I'd be over it within a few days - nope, still love it. It's doing exactly what I wanted, which is make me take myself a little less seriously and feel a little more fun. And spontaneous. Example A, I had about a hundred tasks to complete yesterday but instead organized two of my friends to meet for an outdoor happy hour. YOLO

Abundant sunshine. Vitamin D is my best friend. Which is why I kind of side-eye people when they say that moving to Florida is over-rated... is it though? I kind of don't think so. I'll trade humid temperatures with dreary bleary gray and overcast winters any day of my life. The sun has been shining every day this week and my spirits are higher than the ceiling. Higher than a kite. I know this feeling won't last forever, but that's also why I've been taking two vitamin D supplements every day for the past month and a half. Can't start prepping for the dread of winter too early! 

Happy Friday friends, blog, internet people,
future Danielle (who obsessively re-reads all of her posts because she's weird like that). 
Have a great weekend. 

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