Kind of like a vacation

This week my boyfriends parents are on vacation in Disney World (and they didn't invite us, I know, how rude!) Just kidding, they're actually paying me to walk their dog.

It's only been two days but it's actually been quite nice to have a house to ourselves and see what that might be like one day. We're constantly suffocated by the presence of our families, who we totally love! But it never really feels like just the two of us.

Starting with Valentine's Day, it was too cold to really do anything or go anywhere, so we mostly stayed indoors and watched movies. Hardcore Netflix and chilling. I made him this card discovered via Pinterest and thought it was super cute! Only burnt my fingers on the hot glue gun like three times, score! Then it was L's birthday celebration since his real birthday is Wednesday but his family was going on vacation. Questionable family he's got, huh?? 

Yesterday I took their precious princess dog for a walk. Her name is Lilly and she's actually super high maintenance. She gets a bowl of ice cream during other people's birthday parties. It's a little unreal. My dog Sherman, is much more rugged and fun. Super low maintenance and super cute. Also kind of smelly. Lilly goes to a dog spa, so she's definitely got that going for her. 

Cooking together has been fun too. It kind of feels like we're on vacation, or like we're actually adults living in our own house. Hah! Maybe one day. Adulting doesn't come easily to me, For example, L has class today until 9 at night and instead of making myself chicken and a salad like I intended to, I've eaten a cupcake and three mini chocolate bars so far. #failing

I'm doing the best I can but I sure can't wait for my honey to get home. 

Lonely little succulent gazing out at the snowfall.

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